Rockin Robbin

Rolling in Tampa

Sunday, January 15, 2006

This marriage was made in Heaven... But so was Lightning and Thunder

There are things that go really good together, like PB&J and pancake & syrup. Other things sound strange together but end up being awesome. Take mashed potatoes for instance. My cousin Amy used to put a spoonful of sour cream on her's. I thought it was weird but now I always add sour cream to my mashed potatoes when I am mixing them and they are great. Maybe I though it was weird because Amy was doing it. I mean Amy was ALWAYS making weird food concoctions. She used to collect TACO BELL sauce packets and mix them in her scrambled eggs... BUT that's another blog... Anyway Roger and I are in the strange concoctions side of things. If any normal dating service had read our BIO's they would NEVER have put us together. Roger and I are a good example of WHAT NOT TO MIX.

Easy listening music
Taking it easy
Intellectual talk
Art shows
Talking on the phone
Driving the speed limit

Roger's likes:
Likes LOOKING at magazines
Loud Rap or Rock music
BIG trucks or little sports cars
Constantly on the go
NO long talks
Discount Autoparts
Going to the Monster Truck Shows
Watching TV
Working on his truck

Get the picture? To the naked eye it seems we fall short. But you know, looking at these lists makes me see OLD. I mean I like looking at magazines I just read them too, and I love the occasional rock song, heck, I had a wreck one time listening to Van Halen ( when I was 19, does that count?). I like my Van because it's practical. I can separate the children and they don't fight AS MUCH. I love talking with intelligent people but I enjoy talking with DUMB ones too. I've driven over the speed limit but I talk my way out of paying the bill. Roger More or less says, "YEAH, I was going 90...WHAT'S IT TO YOU??? I can at least FAKE RESPECT when it comes down to a $400 speeding ticket...
Pretty much I have to be on time for everything. It gives me the willies to be running behind, and I get loud and start shouting orders. Roger is pokey slow UNLESS someone is coming over and he wants our house to look like a model home. He does a "10 Second Tidy" and starts shouting orders. Sometimes I want to hire a hitman and I am sure he feels the same. But this morning on the way to church we were listening to that song by LEE ANN RIMES called "How do I live without you". I looked over and he was singing it and smiled at me.
So I forgive him for the other 162,476,375 bad things he's done... So sue me
Rock on... (with easy listening!!!)


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