Things I have heard
Gabriel doesn't have much to do with conversations, BUT he does talk. For instance this morning he looked at me and said, "PICKLES, ONIONS, LETTUCE all on a SESAME SEED BUN."
Some other things I have overheard:
"Your killing me SPONGE BOB... You REALLY are."
When he is playing the Gameboy I have heard him scream, "GET OFF OF ME!"
He refers to himself as a third party. When he wants something that Kat or Matt have he will say, "Give it to HIMMM!"
"SHUT- UP!" Drag it out----(Just to hear himself say it. -He heard this on the Movie "PRINCESS DIARIES")
Gabriel's speech therapy is at St. Joseph Hospital and we have to go up an elevator to get to the office he visits. As soon as he sees the building he will tell me, "Push the button" about 10 times before we actually get to the elevator were he can do it. If there is one available that people are getting on, then we have to wait till all the elevator doors are shut so he can push the button and it light up.
When driving past Taco Bell he will scream, "TACO BELLLL" and cry and get out of his seat. This is only if he notices since he is usually playing the GAMEBOY or watching his VIDEO NOW.
He likes to say, "I said NO!
Humm- Don't know who says that in my house...
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