School Dayz and Dreams
Matthew is in 3rd grade this year. He always seems to have a good day at school. One day he came home upset that a friend he had last year and him didn't get along so good anymore. This boy has bullied a boy in their class and Matt stood up for him. I was so proud of him. I love the boy he is and I hope he becomes a great man. I am training (needs work) not to talk back and to be sweet to girls. I have him hold doors open for me and Katherine when we are out and for other women too. So far, he plans to be a pilot. Did you know you can get a pilot's license at 17? He plans to go to the Air Force out of school, get a degree in Math and apply for the Astronauts Program in Texas! I am going to get him some t-shirts and a poster for his room reminding him of his goals- pointing him in that direction. For now though, his biggest concern is the stiches he got 2 weeks ago for chasing Gabriel around the dining room table. He slipped, fell and cut his head open on a corner baseboard which caused him to miss football practice for 10 days.
Gabriel is doing really well at school. He loves the computer -like I haven't mentioned THAT before-. Sometimes (mostly ALL the time) in the car he will get out of his seat. I learned a new trick to get him back in it AND buckle his seatbelt all by himself. Gabriel loves BUBBLEGUM. So I roll the window down and tell him, "I AM GOING TO THROW THE BUBBLEGUM OUT THE WINDOW IF YOU DON'T GET BACK IN YOUR SEAT RIGHT NOW!" He JUMPS in that seat as fast as he can! I told his teachers about this and now when he won't get off the computer for circle time they tell him, "GET OFF THAT COMPUTER RIGHT NOW OR WE ARE GOING TO THROW IT IN THE GARBAGE!" They said he sighs really loud and goes to sit down like it's a big waste of his time. His new name in class is Drama King. Micro-Soft will appreciate him working all that overtime.
Katherine is really enjoying middle school. Lockers, 8 classes, boys... need I say more? In the picture of Katherine she is in orchestra. She takes a bunch of different classes every 6 weeks and then around December they get to decide what they want for the rest of the year. They can choose from things like drama, art, band, culinary arts, and technology. Katherine decided she doesn't want art after one class because she thinks it's not challenging enough. She mainly likes to draw fashions. This is a big thing with her. We looked up the top 5 fashion design schools in the world and 2 are in New York. We really like PARSONS. They have a campus in Paris too called (what else) Parsons-Paris. She would get to do her junior year there! The competition is stiff to get in. We are going to get her some more sewing lessons after the first of the year and in high school she needs to keep a portfolio of her best work. The best is yet to come...
Ready, set goals, ACHIEVE!
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