Rockin Robbin

Rolling in Tampa

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

This is Gabriel... This is Gabriel on Clonidine.

This is Gabriel... This is Gabriel on Clonidine

Today I took Gabriel to his doctor's appointment. We are trying to get him on a medication the will help him calm down without making him so sleepy like his current medicine Clonidine does. They had tried putting him on a pill called "Adderall". I looked it up on the internet to see what it was and it is for ADHD kids to help them focus better. It had some other things it did like cause weight loss... it seems a lot of college students love it because they can pop a pill and stay up all night studying and really stay alert. WOW!!! This sounds like the drug for me!!!
How this drug affected Gabriel: It did nothing to slow him down. He was bouncing off the freaking walls like a tennis player at Wimbledon AND he was more FOCUSED about it! That was the week he broke the oak cabinet doors and set the fire alarm off, remember?

Well I mean...if it didn't work for him, could it work for me?

How this drug affected me: I washed 3 loads of clothes, cleaned the kitchen, got breakfast for the children, mowed the lawn, trimmed the trees, weed-eated the yard, did the same thing in my neighbors yard with Roger's help, and came back to rake my yard (in the rain), cleaned the pool, went to the grocery store, made dinner, cleaned up after dinner, took a shower... and ate 1 meal all day! I started thinking how great it was and how I could tell Gabriel's doctor what a great drug it was, and how much it helped him, so I could keep my supply... Did I mention it gave me more patience?
Yeah well, I told the truth. No more "Adderall" for me. I took it only 3 times and it seems you would need to up the dosage. That's all I need is to be a druggie...
I didn't give Gabriel any medicine today before his doctor's appointment so they could see how he was. He "of course" didn't show them everything but they saw enough to give me a referral to a behavioral specialist.
After we left, I went by Sallie's Beauty Supply on Hillsborough Ave. I went to replace Katherine's French manicure set that he poured down himself. He sang and repeated movie parts. He started singing Boy George's big hit from the 80's ... Do you really want to hurt me, Do you really want to make me cry? While he was singing this he was trying to get lip gloss sticks out of a display and spitting on a customer and the floor. The sales people were giving me a hard time because I caught them trying to over-charge me. MAN, Where's My ADDERALL!!! Clonidine take me away...

Friday, August 26, 2005

Really cute, but lacking in understanding of Blockbuster rules and regulations

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Really Cute But Lacking....

I swear God really did make men and women different. I mean the most obvious is the hot vs. cold thing. Men have more blood so they stay warm (I think it's hot air, but hey that's just MY opinion). Anyway, I am sure most of you know the deal at BLOCKBUSTERS where you can rent unlimited movies for one flat fee per-month. Been there - done that. Now I go through . I LOVE IT! Not only is it less money and more rentals, but they have a HUGE selection. You also get 2 free in store rentals per month in case "Sally Sue" drops by and you can't wait for snail mail.

Check this out... being the sweet wonderful wife I am, I GIVE UP 1 (one) coupon to Roger Sunday night. "Go get a movie honey!" Roger loves going to BLOCKBUSTER without me 'cause he runs naked through the store free as a bird to pick up the newest "ultimate fighting championship". Okay, so what. I was going to bed anyway. But Nooooo! Roger comes walking in the door with not 1, but 2 movies. (Am I mentally ill? Did the coupon say 2 movies?)

ROGER: "They didn't have anything good in, so I just got these 2.

(time is 10:00 pm, Roger needs to up by 6:00am)

ROBBIN: " So why did you get a movie and waste a perfectly free rental? How did you get 2?

ROGER: " It was weird, the guy told me I had to pay for it. (Ignoring first question)

ROBBIN: " Why do you think I gave you a "FREE COUPON"? You really paid for A movie? I pay a fee every month for UNLIMITED rentals. .We haven't had in store rentals for 2 months now

MOVIE HE PAID FOR: Cheech and Chong "up in smoke". He went to bed 20 minutes later.

After 15 years of marriage as of August 27, 2005. I swear, I still have not figured men out. Instead of just a fog it is turning into a complete blackout...

Nasa... We have contact!

Nasa... We have contact!
Nasa... We have contact!,
originally uploaded by Rockin Robbin.

Nasa... we have contact

Well Of course Gabriel has been up to no good. I bought Katherine a French manicure kit and ( yes, it was put up) Gabriel got his hands on the white and threw it all over the den carpet, 7 or 8 DVD's, a bench, and then poured it down his body. Trust me there is a LOT more stuff in those little bottles than you think, unless it multiplies when it gets on stuff it doesn't even remotely belong...
Ha! I'm thinking Patch is pregnant! I am so excited! Last night Patch and Buddy did the deed. This is WAY more than I want to get into, but the timing could not have been better. Check out baby Boxer's on the internet-I can't wait!!!
Yesterday was Roger's Birthday and today Katherine's
Hoping the hurricane coming our way GOES AWAY!

Friday, August 19, 2005

I just had to.

I just had to.
I just had to.,
originally uploaded by Rockin Robbin.

I just had too.

Hey everybody. Glad you came to see what I am up to now. This is called blogging. I've been wanting to do it for a while because my everyday life is so crazy I thought it could provide a bit of a laugh for people to share it with me. After I am old and gray I will hopefully laugh also and my husband and children will see that I sacrifice a lot more than just wearing old underwear with holes! My husband's name is Roger. Roger CAN be a really sweet guy. He is a real people pleaser. You can call him at 2:00am with a broke down truck and not only will he come fix your car, he will go home with you and fix your air conditioner too! There isn't anything he won't do FOR OTHER PEOPLE. However, I have asked for him to help me start sanding down the wood floors since march. NO CAN DO! I'll keep you posted as I am a firm believer in the quote from the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". "A man is the head of the family, but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head anyway she wants." It's just that THICK heads turn slowly...
My children are Katherine, Matthew and Gabriel. Katherine is the oldest at 10 ( 11 in 6 days). She is sweet, smart and usually helpful. She wears hearing aids with a mild to moderate loss. But watch out because she can read lips. Matthew is really cute which helps to save his life most of the time because he is a smaller version of Roger. Matt is 8. Gabriel is my youngest at 4 1/2. Gabriel is special, he has Autism. And I tell myself that everyday so I won't kill him! Gabriel is pretty smart. He can play Playstation games like a pro, he finished a kindergarten CD at 3 1/2 and he sings lots of songs (with a tone of a little drunk man slur). Gabriel is my inspration for this blog. In the past week he has broke the doors off of our SOLID oak TV cabinet, pulled the fire alarm at Kat and Matt's school (yes, everyone came out of the rooms) and flung a bucket of 400 little beads all over Kat's room. His new thing for the past month or so is spitting, He won't stop. He spits when he is mad or bored (98% of the time) sometimes to the beat of the music. At Matt's pep rally the other night he spitting at the rate of 5 times per second when people cheered or clapped! This morning at the grocery store he tried spitting on an old woman. I know what you are saying, "give him to me for a week, I'll fix him." Okay! I'll worn you ahead of time though. I won't pay for any damaged furniture and when you call me crying that he spit on your husbands boss -I'll have my voice mailed turned on! Anyway this is a "blog" not a book. I will write here 2 to 5 time a week. Rockin' Robbin