Rockin Robbin

Rolling in Tampa

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Making the Grade in Good Time

Last night I went to take the entrance exam to get into the LPN program at Erwin Tech. No, being a nurse isn't my life long dream, but having more money is close. I like people, as a mater of a fact I am a people pleaser. I love doing things for people and them being pleased. Don't get me wrong I still LOVE my photography. I'll be the only nurse that says, "SAY CHEESE"! instead of "PUSH"!
Anyway, there is over a one year wait to get into the program which is fine. Mom will retire in a year or so and can help with the children. That was the main reason I haven't been able to pull this off until now. I was in school when I got pregnant with Katherine with a 4.0 GPA. But since all I did was puke morning, noon and night I stopped going. I tried again when Gabriel was 1. I don't even know what I was thinking at the time. For the 2 MONTHS that I went to school, all I did was tell the children to go to the toy room and play. I had to choose between being a mom or a student. Since I was already fairly deep with 3 kids, I choose them, they needed me. There was this song out many years ago called "The Cat's in the Cradle". It's about a father who never had time for his son, but when the son grows up and the father wants to be a part of his life, then the son has no time. Now I will be in school when the children are, and home when they are and when I need a little time for homework, mom can help out.
The thing that made me really happy last night was the lady giving the test who said (who just happens to be the head counselor over the nursing program) that 75% of the people taking this test don't pass the first time. I was one of four people called back in the room that did. I was the only one of the four who got a perfect score.
I was on cloud nine and those of you who know me well know that that was just what the doctor ordered...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Quince pronounced "KING-SAY"

This is Chantel. She has turned 15 and is having a Quince or Quinceanera. I think it's pronounced "King Say", at least that's how a girl from Tennessee (me) says it. It's when a girl who has Latin blood running somewhere in her body turns fifteen. I compare it to a Jewish boy who "becomes a man" at twelve when he has a Bar-mitzvah. It's supposed to be a celebration of no longer being a child, but an adult. It involves the church...ehhh... well ugh sometimes... I guess this is where the likeness splits because I have never been to a KING-SAY (Quince) that was at church. It was always at the reception... ehhh, that would be what's after a wedding right? Okay look, there was this chic in New York who had lots of $$$ and she had a huge wedding planned... only the groom didn't show-up. So instead of crying about it she said, "Let's have a party, 'cause it's already been paid for!" SEEE, no church service, but a big reception PARTY! This is the KING-SAY (Quince) I have experienced. Oh, I forgot to tell you that when the chic without the groom showed up at the PARTY the band played I WILL SURVIVE! HA! I know that this has NOTHING to do with the KING-SAY (Quince) but I needed to throw that in for Pete's Sake. ANNYWAAYY... I am having real fun helping Chantel's mom Robyn plan this and have gotten myself so involved that I know in 3 years, 5 months, and 1 day I will be broke because I HAVE to have Katherine a KING-SAY (Quince) now too. I never heard of this till I came to Florida 16 plus years ago but I also had never heard of a manatee, but that's another story...
I promise to write all about this cool reception uhh... KING-SAY(Quince) 'cause Katherine is IN it and I'm taking the pictures. Latin girls are typically Catholic and the KING-SAY (Quince) starts with the priests blessing. I've been wondering how my Baptist minister would handle that job?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Que' Sera' Sera'...

...Whatever will be will be, the future's not ours to see... Sorry I haven't blogged much lately. There have been quite a few things going on, not to mention my computer caught a nasty virus and I had to strip it down to it's bare nakedness like if it never knew me. I had about 15 or so songs on here that I had bought off i-tunes for Katherine's i-pod and they got erased too. I thought about not blogging anymore too. I've had a lot going on lately, so much to deal with. I'd probably regret it later... I am sorry too for the lack of a picture today. I had to burn all my photo's on to CD's and my photo file is EMPTY. People... I just don't have my CRAP together.
BRIEF: Katherine went on her first date (With HIS Mom there, of course), Matthew got a BE-BE Gun (lots of good blog material there...) Gabriel went to an interview for a great school I am trying to get him into, we have ripped out the carpet in the den and it's concrete, not wood. Bartholomeu has gotten in the garbage more times than I can count (always a fun chore to pick up dirty diapers and tuna cans).
Anyway, I hope everyone is well and I hope to get back in the grove again soon.
P.S. Who ever wrote me that anonymous comment asking why I hadn't been blogging ...Thanks... At least I know ONE person reads this...

Monday, March 06, 2006

When my mother used to have it

This is a picture of my mom in Panama City back in 1980. She is the little blonde on the left. When I see old photo's of her now she reminds me of Nicole Richey. They are both thin, blonde, and wear BIG sunglasses. Now do you believe me when I tell you I look like my dad? Anyway, I was going through some stuff and found it. I showed it to Kat and Matt and their reaction was WOW! They never saw "grandmommy" looking like that!
I remember being the daughter of this woman who had all these men flirting with her. I probably didn't help matters much. Our taste in men (when I was 6 years old) was completely different because we had different agendas. Just because men liked her didn't mean she liked them. I remember a dress shop we were in one time and the man who owned it was there. He not only was flirting with mom but with me too. (Best way to get a date is going through the kid) I liked him a lot and suggested we ALL go get something to eat. Mom nixed the idea and got out of there. Another time I remember this blind date she got set-up with ( yes, I went with her) and he showed us his beautiful new home. In one of the bathrooms the sink was swirls of caramel and chocolate looking marble. What a great house I thought! We should DEFINITELY spend the night! When I suggested it the guy agreed with me but mom turned a few colors and made a bee-line for the door. I remember one guy who paid me 10 cents for every game I'd play of tic-tac-toe - BY MYSELF. (He had a game that played against you)
Now mom, she's a grandmommy. She doesn't date anymore. Doesn't get flirted with either... except when Matthew is after her for something.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Bam is my cousin Amy's family dog. Her son Jacob named him after a popular skate-board guy. She wasn't even supposed to get him, he was supposed to be a cat. Her husband Mark was out of town when she saw him at a pet shop and bought him. I remember her calling me to tell me about him. "Robbin, I just couldn't help it, it was his fault! Looking up at me with those little eyes!". Amy already had Zoey, a dog that was thrown out of a car that they adopted and Lola their cat.
Bam was the original DEVIL DOG. He would torment Zoey to no end. When you see Bam you want to squeeze his mouth. He's got this perfect little snout for grabbing, and if any of you have ever seen a mini-wiener dog walk, that is entertainment in itself.
Bam, he would sleep in the bed with Mark and Amy. He was the only one allowed in the bed with them. You see how he is black and tan? Well Mark used to say that Bam was Amy's BIG BLACK WIENER. Funny how he would always end up between Mark's legs at night to stay warm though, HUH? I told Mark that I heard once that if you ever have black, you never go back...
Anyway, Bam died Wednesday. He got out of the backyard and was hit by a car. I'll miss seeing him when I go up to Georgia/Tennessee for a visit. He was a cool little dog. BAM! The Devil Dog 2005-2006