Rockin Robbin

Rolling in Tampa

Thursday, November 30, 2006


I don't have a picture for this one and I have a gazillion other things I need to be doing but I wanted to tell you guys about something I did this morning. I normally don't share stories like this one because I keep them for myself to enjoy between me and God. I don't need an audience like some people do when they do something good.
I had a lot of errands to do today and when I was finished I ran by Taco Bell. I was almost home and had just got off I-275 at my exit and saw a homeless guy with his sign. He was slummped up againist the fence and I looked in my wallet to see if I had any money. All I found was a one dollar bill. I didn't give it to him because I felt it was sort of a slap in the face now days when everything costs so much. I normally don't even give money and ignore them. Anyway, I drove thru the light and I was ALMOST home, but no, God would not get off my back this time
I could hear him tell me, " Robbin, how can you go home and eat Taco Bell when that guy doesn't have anything to eat?" I then considered giving him my Taco Bell, but then I came to my senses and told God I would go to Wendy's right up the street instead, but could he please let me hurry so my nacho's wouldn't get all soggy?! I went thru a green light that stayed green WAY to long (GOD) and then I went to a Wendy's that always has a LONNNGG line and there was NO ONE there (GOD). I got Michael (that's what I am calling him) 2 double-stacks, fries and I figured he could just drink some water somewhere. God told me NO! Get Him a frosty! So I did. I drove back to where I saw Michael and parked the car and waved for him to come over. Michael was about 18, 19 maybe? Very nice looking guy, surfer hair cut -GQ and all, but dirty. He wasn't drunk either. He said he was just having some bad luck because his dad had died and he had lost everything. He didn't seem to want pity, he just wanted me to know he wasn't a drug head. I told him God made me buy him lunch and he laughed and thanked me. I spent like 6 bucks on him and got SO HIGH, no drug could feel that good.
I read one time about a lady who did a good deed once a week with her children. One time they went to McDonald's and bought like ten lunches and went to all the stops where they normally saw homeless people at and handed out the bags and drove off quickly so as not to make the person even say thanks.
I haven't been very good lately about doing things like that. I feel guilty about that. I get so involved with my family and myself that I forget.
Glad God reminded me today at lunch... and by the way my Nacho's stayed crispy.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Sorry you guys have missed out on "my SO interesting life" lately. I have just a MILLION reasons why I haven't blogged. I won't get into it because you will pretty much understand as I run my mouth on here anyway. Roger the children and I DROVE to Chicago on Oct 18th for Roger's daughter Nicole's 18th birthday. The drive up was great- but the drive home took drugs, naps, and 24 HOURS straight in the car. Nicole lives with her mom's first cousin, but I refer to her as her Aunt because that's the way it SEEMS. Like Roger's "Uncle" Papi is really his cousin, but it's always been Uncle to him. We stayed at their home and it was great, like we had always known them. I wish I had been blogging at the time because there was so much to tell... I will refer to it in later stories and you'll be like "WHAT?" They had a dog named MEATBALL who I kept calling PEANUT-BUTTER. He was SO COOL. He had an underbite that you could sit food on when his mouth is shut. The pictures don't even do it justice...
This year we went to my friend Robyn's for Halloween and her kids dressed up as a female pirate, Texas Chain-saw massacre dude and PINOCCIO (?) I still haven't figured out that one although I loved it. We didn't dress up this year... I thought it would be so cool to take the kids out to CHEESECAKE FACTORY instead... Next year we will be dressing up as this did not go over to well...
The dogs turned 1 year in October...
We are going on a Cruise in December...
I painted my living room apple green...
My "flickr" photo collection will not let me add any new photos untill I up-date to a paid pro account...
Christmas is around the corner...

I promise to increase my blogs! Keep on reading...!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Katherine had to do a big project on her family tree for school that was due today. I stayed up VERY late last night to help her. She's a procrastinator like me- don't know WHO she learned THAT from...
My grandmother's maiden name is PRESLEY and all my family up in Tennessee are the Presley's. I used to ask my mamaw if we were related to ELVIS but she never seemed to interested in the subject. She said one of her daddy's brother's named Vernon moved away and maybe that was Elvis' dad. Things like that didn't matter back then like they seem to now. Everybody's driving around in expensive cars, getting their nails done, wearing lots of jewelry... you know, brands are important now days more than they used to be.
...So with this project due I decided to dig deeper about this whole thing and I found out that IT'S TRUE! Elvis is a cousin of mine!
I talked to a couple of people last night that I didn't even know existed. One was my great-grandfather's brother's daughter Cordiella or "Cricket". She gave me quite a bit of info and gave me the number to my great-great-grandfather's brother's granddaughter. Did you catch all that? If you didn't, I don't suggest you read futher because you might get dizzy and ill trying to follow this next one -REMEMBER! YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED!
Elvis' daddy was Vernon Presley, whose daddy was Jesse Presley, whose daddy was Dunnin Presley Jr. This would have been Elvis' great-granddaddy. Well this man, Dunnin Presley Jr. (named after his dad -Dunnin Presley) had a younger brother named George W. Presley. George W. Presley had a son named William O. Presley, who had a son named Simpson W. Presley who had my mamaw! I knew Simpson and his wife but they were always granny and granddaddy to me. Granny died when I was 6 and granddaddy when I was 11 or 12. In my blog about Uncle Jack last week, you can see a picture of granddaddy because that was Jack's daddy.
So, to recap this whole thing- Elvis' great-granddaddy was my great-great-great-granddaddy's brother.
Matthew wanted to know if they would give us a discount or let us in free if we visited Graceland.
It's not about the discount Matthew.
It's about the BRAND!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fresh Clean Mouth

Gabriel went to the dentist for the first time Tuesday. I didn't know what dentist to take him to because of his behavior. I finally got a name of a dentist that specializes in childen with disabilities from Gabriel's speech therapist, so I made the appointment.
I worry about Gabriel's teeth because he hates toothpaste. He hates it so much that when I brush his teeth, he foams at the mouth, like a dog. He HATES toothpaste- wait- did I say that already? Well, I have some good news for all you toothpaste haters out there. You don't really NEED toothpaste. Rinse your mouth really good and scrub them with your toothbrush and THAT'S IT! Gabriel is almost 6 years old and he has no cavities! The dentist said he had beautiful white teeth and that I was doing a great job. I told him about the NO TOOTHPASTE deal with Gabe and he said, "TOOTHPASTE IS NO BIG DEAL". Anyway, Gabriel did really good and I probably could have taken him to a regular dentist, but I am going to stay with this one because I really liked him. Gabriel really enjoyed all the extra attention from the ladies in the office too.
Personally, I like toothpaste. I like to try different ones too. When we went on the cruise last year they had put samples in our cabin of the new ones out like, lemon and this very refreshing red cinnamon one (This AIN'T your mamma's red toothpaste!) I use lemon all the time now, I love it. Someone told me that the herb one on was really good too. I also like those "Listerine Breath Strips" in red. I eat them like candy when I am in the car. I have the little package stuck in my air conditioner vent facing me. Everyone else in my family HATES them. Gabriel saw me sticking one on my tongue one morning on the way to school and wanted one. I could have PROBABLY talked him out of it but I just REALLY wanted to see his face when it melted on his tongue. You know, it melts INSTANTLY so, even though he tried, he couldn't take it out and he started LICKING the back of the passenger side head-rest. WISH YOU COULD'A BEEN THERE! It was truly hilarious.
You know when you get a cat and tape newspaper booties on it's feet and then it prances around freaked out that something is on their feet? Well, I love crap like that. Gabriel was the cat... wonder how Bartholomeu and Patch would like a breath strip...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Uncle Jack

My great Uncle Jack died today. He was 80. The top 2 pictures were where he lived for a long time. My great-grandfather, Simpson Westberry Presley and his son, Jack Cane Presley built it together, well almost, when they moved in it, it was a four room house. When I was a little kid, me and all my cousins had so much fun here! I remember us sailing down the hill on BIG WHEELS and making mud pies. My Greatgrandparents lived down stairs with my grandmother and grandfather, Mamaw and Papaw-Bill. Uncle Jack and Aunt Mary lived with their son Luke upstairs. We called it the attic but it was really a 2-bedroom apartment. They also had built a bomb shelter down below JUST IN CASE, and they had big cans of food stored there. I have so many good memories from that place. Aunt Mary and Uncle Jack were neat people. Aunt Mary made all her own soap and they always had animals. Two dogs "Blackie" and her son "Slick". Geese at the top of the hill, pigeons, sometimes squirrels and every once in a while a calf that I would sit and talk and hand feed straw too. Aunt Mary always had a garden of some sort and I loved it when she had a strawberry patch. In the last picture you see is Luke, their son, my mother holding me, Aunt Mary and Uncle Jack and Granddaddy with my cousin David on the end. Behind us is where we had the strawberry patch. We also used to play croquet there too. I remember one year at Christams, when I was four, Uncle Jack made a REALLY NICE doll bed and kitchen sink for me. I am talking all wood, not like the plastic ones of today.
In the black and white picture you will see a teenage Uncle Jack standing next to my Mamaw. Her daddy (My Greatgranddaddy)is standing next to her with his youngest son, my Uncle Pete (Pete's real name was Charles Edward, so how do you get the name Pete out of that?) in front of him is Billy Joe which was everyone nephew! His daddy (Bill) was the oldest so he had a head start on his family!
I'll miss Uncle Jack, but I know my Mamaw and the rest of her family are glad to see him in Heaven. You know, I am blessed. Because I know, that I know, that I know, I will see almost every member of my mom's family again one day. The same day that it is written for me to pass from this life to the next. I am glad my name is there... in the book of life, is yours?
Signing off for now, Uncle Jack, see ya soon... GOD KNOWS WHEN!
Love Robbin Leigh-Ann

Saturday, September 16, 2006

School Dayz and Dreams

Matthew is in 3rd grade this year. He always seems to have a good day at school. One day he came home upset that a friend he had last year and him didn't get along so good anymore. This boy has bullied a boy in their class and Matt stood up for him. I was so proud of him. I love the boy he is and I hope he becomes a great man. I am training (needs work) not to talk back and to be sweet to girls. I have him hold doors open for me and Katherine when we are out and for other women too. So far, he plans to be a pilot. Did you know you can get a pilot's license at 17? He plans to go to the Air Force out of school, get a degree in Math and apply for the Astronauts Program in Texas! I am going to get him some t-shirts and a poster for his room reminding him of his goals- pointing him in that direction. For now though, his biggest concern is the stiches he got 2 weeks ago for chasing Gabriel around the dining room table. He slipped, fell and cut his head open on a corner baseboard which caused him to miss football practice for 10 days.
Gabriel is doing really well at school. He loves the computer -like I haven't mentioned THAT before-. Sometimes (mostly ALL the time) in the car he will get out of his seat. I learned a new trick to get him back in it AND buckle his seatbelt all by himself. Gabriel loves BUBBLEGUM. So I roll the window down and tell him, "I AM GOING TO THROW THE BUBBLEGUM OUT THE WINDOW IF YOU DON'T GET BACK IN YOUR SEAT RIGHT NOW!" He JUMPS in that seat as fast as he can! I told his teachers about this and now when he won't get off the computer for circle time they tell him, "GET OFF THAT COMPUTER RIGHT NOW OR WE ARE GOING TO THROW IT IN THE GARBAGE!" They said he sighs really loud and goes to sit down like it's a big waste of his time. His new name in class is Drama King. Micro-Soft will appreciate him working all that overtime.
Katherine is really enjoying middle school. Lockers, 8 classes, boys... need I say more? In the picture of Katherine she is in orchestra. She takes a bunch of different classes every 6 weeks and then around December they get to decide what they want for the rest of the year. They can choose from things like drama, art, band, culinary arts, and technology. Katherine decided she doesn't want art after one class because she thinks it's not challenging enough. She mainly likes to draw fashions. This is a big thing with her. We looked up the top 5 fashion design schools in the world and 2 are in New York. We really like PARSONS. They have a campus in Paris too called (what else) Parsons-Paris. She would get to do her junior year there! The competition is stiff to get in. We are going to get her some more sewing lessons after the first of the year and in high school she needs to keep a portfolio of her best work. The best is yet to come...
Ready, set goals, ACHIEVE!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Do you remember... No, I mean do YOU REALLY?

Friday Katherine came home from school and told me she could wear red, white and blue to school on Monday. "Why?" I asked.
Because Monday is 9-11.
Katherine wears a uniform to school so getting to wear anything else is a treat. I ironed her jeans and rolled her hair and bought some pretty red, white and blue ribbon for her to wear in her hair. That's what we do right? Labor Day, Veteran's Day, 4th of July- we decorate and dress up. I made up some extra ribbons with pins for her to take to her friends (Matt too, only he said he'd give 'em to the teacher for the girls- ribbons are for girls MOM) As I drove Katherine to school this morning (she goes earlier than Matt) I asked her if she knew what 9-11 was. She knew about the twin towers but not much detail. I started filling her in and then I REALLY REMEMBERED. I remember the sick feeling in my stomach seeing the 2nd plane fly into the other tower, the people jumping from the top floors, the towers falling. I REMEMBERED the bravery of the men on the plane who knew their fate and forced the plane to crash. I got weepy in the car. I am glad Kat got a re-play of that day, just so she will know that today isn't just about the colors she wears.
I ALSO remember our GREAT President GEORGE W. BUSH. I remember how high his ratings got, how he took care of this nation. How we all wanted to GET who did this.
Has everyone forgot?
Do they think a job like that is easy?
It seems like everyone forgot... I HAD TO argue with someone in the grocery line the other day about it. He had to start criticizing MY president and I had to tell him HOW IT REALLY IS. Roger was with me and as we walked away he said you are going to make me hurt someone one day 'cause if he had said something nasty to you I would have hurt him. I told him that was okay... just stand behind me and look mean. You have the muscles and I have the mouth. Did I mention it was a cop?
You know, if you punish your child for something they have done, but don't follow thru with what you have said your going to do then they learn that they can get away with whatever they want because you aren't really going to do what you said. Trying to get rid of terrorists is not a quick deal and we will probably never get rid of them all but I FULLY SUPPORT MY PRESIDENT for the job he has done.
GOD BLESS THE USA! (can you hear the music?)
...okay... I feel better. I did my speech for the week. My family will appreciate you listening to it so they don't have to hear one till next week -God Bless You!