I am writing this for my friend Tracey. I am going to Georgia soon to get my Mom and going to see her. She was concerned about me coming to her house because she has 6 kids and she thinks it's messy. I laughed when I heard about that... I NEVER STOP CLEANING. WANNA BET? Call me on the phone sometime.
You: "So, Robbin, Whatcha doing?"
Me: "Cleaning"
(Yes, I am multi-talented. I can clean and talk on the phone at the same time. Roger said he was going to by me a head-set. Roger's cousin Eva is super multi-talented. I remember when the kids were little and she got her first car with a stick-shift. I died laughing when she told me, "I am so good at this now, I can shift the gears, eat an egg McMuffin and smack the kids(figuratively speaking) all at the same time.")
Tracey, I have 3 kids,( really 6 since Roger can't pick up his clothes and Gabriel is 2 kids in 1) and 2 dogs. When I get up in the morning I never know what I will face. Bartholomeu has chewed up one of my lovely windowsills and the kitchen blinds. I am not worried about the blinds as they are cheap Wal-Mart ones that cost like $3.56 a piece. I know this because I replaced them 2 weeks ago and then Bartholomeu did it again. I have started replacing the blinds in the house with wooden ones. I need to go to Wal-Mart and buy some $3.56 blinds like I buy toilet paper. I THROW THEM BOTH AWAY WHEN THEY LOOK LIKE CRAP!
Roger is multi talented with wood putty. I know he will fix the window in no time flat. I am not in a hurry though because Roger's patience will wear thin if Bartholomeu does it again, so I want him to GET OVER IT FIRST. Roger won't fix it again and again...
Kind of like my cousin Amy's van. She is leasing her van and bumped it and her husband Mark got it fixed. Amy did it again. I saw it back in September and asked when they were going to fix it. Mark said he was waiting till the lease was up and then he would get everything fixed... Maybe he thinks the multi-talented bodyshop guy will give him a multi-discount for the multiple marks from Amy's Multiple accidents...
Anyway, Tracey, These are the multiple reasons why you shouldn't think twice about it...
Did you know that I really talk like I write in these blogs? I skip from subject to subject without shuting up, kind of like a tree. I start up the tree and then go down a branch, see a limb and go up the limb before I even finish going down the branch... you know when you start talking to someone at the same time they start talking to you and you both keep talking to see who will shut-up first? I am the one who doesn't shut-up. There has only ever been a couple of people who beat me at this and I was truely SCARED of them! There must be a name for this...maybe multi-versed?